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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Arizona's New Law

Ok so perhaps I'm just a bit on the late side with this, but I was trying to leave it alone.

What’s the big deal? The only people who have to worry are those here illegally. Give it a rest already.

I just don't get it. People from my family came here many years ago and had to do it the right way, follow all the rules etc... Now not only do these people not want to follow the rules but they want us to learn Spanish, just a bit arrogant if you ask me. I know we don't have a national language here in the USA, but the predominant language has been English for a long time. Our Ancestors came here and became part of the country they didn't try to force the country to conform to them. Fine keep your nationality and heritage but become part of the country and work with us.

Oh by the way ACLU go away and stop helping these people Break The Law.